Partner Negotiations in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia = the Baltic States.

Your positions in a market correlate with your partners – their professionalism, clients, partners, and experience. Make sure you get the right partners for the very entrance in any of the Baltic countries by executing due diligence check – it will impact your success in the market in a long term.

We value quality and effective partner targeting and negotiation in a right approach.

Here are a few types of partners we can introduce you to:

Sales and Distribution
Service Providers

and many more.

We will take care of amending your materials and we will work together to prepare the right conditions taking into account the market differences. We are good at presentations, which includes not only the quality of information, but also an environment, time, and the whole process. We want you to succeed in setting up distribution, communication, sales and other channels, and have a total, quality control of them.

Get to know your competitors to approach the right partners with the right information. Ask us for a help.