ENRIGA Global. Expansion & Partnership Dealmakers.


While taking care of our international clients worldwide in their expansion activities in Northern Europe, we started something wider. Like-minded, experienced professionals started to help us to reach out to a needed contact or set-up a meeting, organize a presentation in locations ranging from New York City and Santiago to Tashkent and Beijing.

We did not realize first our clients have pushed us further and there is something new formed. We became outreachers, deal-makers, speakers, and explorers in name of our clients travelling the world and taking care of their partnerships in R&D, scaling and investment.

We grow client brand awareness by promoting them through speaking and arranging stands at conferences and fairs.

We set-up partnerships among a client, science centers, education institutions, and other business.

We maintain the partnership.

We explore and make use of a public funding either it’s on local, regional, national, or international level.

We seek resellers, we win over key customer trust, brick by brick, we build a foundation for their growth.

The regions we’ve worked include:

Northern, Central and Western Europe,

North and Latin America,

Middle East and South-East Asia

totaling in 20 countries so far. Further we see our presence in Australia as well as Eastern Europe.

While ENRIGA operates and provides its service in a part of Northern Europe where is our home market, ENRIGA Global represents our clients in other regions mentioned above, taking a role of an outsource expansion, development, PR, sales, research, partnership manager. Thanks to a growing network of partners and representatives, our clients or our core team is no longer obligated to travel for any task a client needs.

Our network includes lawyers, interpreters, business development professionals, start-up founders, producers, business consultants, investment bankers, scientists, representatives of education institutions, and more.

Make use of our network and experience and become one of our international success stories. Learn more by inquiring with a brief issue or a detailed description of your need.


How do we charge?

Usually, we evaluate a level of a task and estimate a time (hour) consumption, people necessary to involve, and travel needed to carry out the task. Here is a sample case:

Client X needs to announce of its new product to his Audience 1 in Country Z. He has no big budget for that and his audience is quite targeted.
By understanding the client’s product, know-how and audience, we decide to arrange a speech at Audience 1 industry conference in Country Z. It would take us 5-10h to manage that, including making a short list of best fitting conferences, reaching out to discuss, agreeing, providing a support before, during and after the event. If an hour is charged on average 40EUR it takes 200-400 EUR to arrange this.
It is reasonable to make use of the conference’s matchmaking platform to seek, reach out and initiate conversations with potential partners, clients or investors. It would take 2-10h depending on a number of attendees to filter, reach out, and follow up to set-up in-person conversations with other attendees. That totals in 80-400 EUR.
The client decides he/she is not a good networker so he/she decides to hire ENRIGA’s representative to join and have (or join) set meetings. It is a 2 day conference and it takes 1 day of training before it, 2 days total to travel there and back, and to adapt the location. Another 20h during forthcoming month are spent on follow-ups and further discussions. That would total in a 5x 8h + 20h being covered which is 2100 EUR, plus per diem and travel expenses. Conference days often end up with a mandatory afterparty which would be added to the time invested.
A month before the conference the client’s representative understands he/she is not able to take part in it. Someone needs to speak. Evaluating capabilities of our potential speaker we might take this over and become a speaker. Depending on a training and preparations needed, we will set the fee required.

Sometimes, we decide with a client to go another scenario and split risks and time invested. In that case, the client covers our time invested partially while adding a success fee or providing a share of a deal being targeted.

Inquire here.